Career Opportunities
Thank you for your interest in working for Get Covered Illinois!
Get Covered Illinois is our state’s new Health Insurance Marketplace. Join us in our mission to increase access, enrollment, affordability, and choice for individuals and families by connecting them to health insurance plans and savings available through the Affordable Care Act. Get Covered Illinois is part of the Illinois Department of Insurance with offices in Chicago and Springfield.
Get Covered Illinois employment openings can be viewed by clicking the links below. All applications must be received by the deadline listed on the announcements. For more information, including application procedures and employment opportunities for other state agencies, please visit the Work for Illinois (
Get Covered Illinois Employment Openings
Marketplace Plan Management & Certification Policy Analyst - 1 vacancy open for bidding until 11:59 P.M. on 03/25/2025.
Marketplace Training & Partner Certification Manager - 1 vacancy open for bidding until 11:59 P.M. on 03/27/2025.
Agency Contact Information:
Get Covered Illinois
Illinois Department of Insurance
Attn: Human Resources
320 West Washington Street, 4th floor
Springfield, IL 62767
Fax: (217) 558-2777